Ad Network Tracking Tokens

Find ad network tracking tokens here.

Server to Server (S2S) Postback URL Example:{clickid}


Token Description
{APP_ID} Numeric ID (for Apple) or bundle name (for Google)
{APP_NAME} App name that received the click
{CAMPAIGN} Campaign name
{CARRIER_NAME} Carrier name of visitor's device
{CONVERSION_ID} Unique ID of the click
{COUNTRY_CODE} Country code of the visitor
{COUNTRY_NAME} Country name of the visitor
{CREATIVE} Creative name of the ad
{DEVICE_ID} Unique device ID of the visitor
{DEVICE_OS_NAME} Operating system of the visitor
{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID} Platform specific ID of the vistor's device
{EXCHANGE_NAME} Exchange name that received the click
{GPS_LAT} Latitude cordinates of the visitor's device
{GPS_LON} Longitude cordinates of the visitor's device
{MANUFACTURER_NAME} Manufacturer of the visitor's device
{MODEL_NAME} Model of the visitor's device
{STATE_NAME} State name of the visitor
{TIMESTAMP} Timestamp of the click
{USER_IP} IP address of the visitor