Server to Server (S2S) Postback URL Example: Bing Ads uses Universal Event Tracking (UET). Please read their support documentation.
Token | Description |
Adgroup ID that triggered the ad |
Ad ID of the displayed ad |
Match type of the bid (<code>e=bidded exact</code> <code>p=bidded phrase</code> <code>b=bidded broad</code> <code>c=bidded content</code>) |
Campaign ID that triggered the ad |
Device type of where the click came from <code>m=mobile</code> <code>t=tablet device</code> <code>c=desktop or laptop computer</code>) |
The string text (that you define) to the right of the colon if the ad is displayed on the content network |
The string text (that you define) to the right of the colon if the ad is displayed on a mobile device |
The string text (that you define) to the right of the colon will be substituted into the URL if the ad is displayed as a native ad |
The string text (that you define) to the right of the colon if the ad is displayed on the search network |
Match type that triggered the ad (<code>e=exact</code> <code>p=phrase</code> <code>b=broad</code> <code>c=content</code>) |
Keyword ID that triggered the display of the ad |
ID of the product that triggered the ad (Bing merchant center for product ads only) |
Search query text that the visitor entered |
Target ID of the keyword ("kwd") or remarketing list ("aud") that triggered the ad |