Ad Network Tracking Tokens

Find ad network tracking tokens here.

Server to Server (S2S) Postback URL Example:{API_KEY}/


Token Description
amount The amount of the sale you made (optional)
campaign_id ID of the campaign that delivered the conversion
conversion_id ID of the sale or conversion in your system (optional)
creative_id ID of the creative where you made the conversion (optional)
geo The 2 or 3 letter format of the country where the visitor came from
sale_type Type of the sale - example: ppl (optional)
zone_id ID of the spot where you made the conversion
{BANNER_ID} Numerical ID of the banner
{CAMP_ID} Numerical ID of the campaign
{CARRIER_ID} ID of the mobile carrier
{CLICK_ID} Unique ID for a click
{COST} Cost of the click/impression in CPV
{COUNTRY} ISO3 country code
{IMAGEID} Numerical ID you set for the creative
{IMAGELABEL} Label you set for the creative
{IMAGENAME} Name you set for the creative
{KEYWORD} Matched keywords in your campaign, separated by commas
{OS} Operating system targeted in short form
{PLATFORM} Device platform the traffic came from - ( MOBILE/TABLET/DESKTOP/IPTV etc.)
{PUB_ID} Publisher ID
{RANDOM} A random number for cache busting
{RESOLUTION} Screen resolution in a format like 1280x760
{UNIXTIME} Current unix time in EPOCH
{WIFI} Wifi traffic indicator (should be 1 if the user is not on a 3G/LTE or any kind of cellular network)
{ZONE_ID} ID of the ad spot of the publisher