Ad Network Tracking Tokens

Find ad network tracking tokens here.

Server to Server (S2S) Postback URL Example:{clickid}

Token Description
{agent} Device user agent
{campaign} Unique ID of the campaign
{cc} Country code of visitor
{city} Carrier region of visitor
{clickid} Unique ID of the click/impression
{country} Carrier country of visitor
{crid} Creative ID
{device_model} Device model
{device_vendor} Device make
{imp} Impression dimensions (width x height)
{ip} IP address of visitor
{isp} Carrier name of visitor
{lat} GPS coordinates (latitude)
{lon} GPS coordinates (longitude)
{os_verion} Device operating system version
{os} Device operating system
{plid} Exchange placement ID
{pln} Exchange placement time
{referrer_domain} HTTP referrer domain (if applicable)
{referrer} HTTP referrer URL (if applicable)
{region} Carrier region of visitor
{ua_hash} Device user agent SHA1 hash
{uid_deviceid} User identier (DOES NOT INCLUDE TYPE prefix)
{uid_type} User identier TYPE Prefix
{uid} User identier (includes TYPE prefix)
{xip} Proxied IP address of visitor
{year} Device year of release