Ad Network Tracking Tokens

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Token Description
%COUNTRYCODE% Replace with a country code extracted from ad call
%CPID% Replace with a unique ID of the ad
%DEVICEHEIGHT% Replace with the device screen height
%DEVICEWIDTH% Replace with the device screen width
%DID% Replace with domain (site) ID where the ad impression occurred
%DMA% Replace with dma (metro) code as entered in the ad call using parameter "dma"
%ELINK% Replace with an encoded link for tracking the click back to the destination URL
%HEIGHT% Replace with max image height based on UA passed in the ad call
%LATITUDE% Replace with the latitude value of the user device (either passed in the ad call or auto detected by IP)
%LINK% Replace with a link (wrap URL) for tracking the click back to the destination URL
%LINK%?redir= Replace with a link (wrap URL) for tracking the click back to the destination URL while redirecting to the URL provided by the advertiser
%LONGITUDE% Replace with the longitude value of the user device (either passed in the ad call or auto detected by IP)
%PHONE_BRAND% Replace with the corresponding phone brand name from WURFL
%PHONE_MODEL% Replace with the corresponding phone model name from WURFL
%RANDOM% Replace with a random number
%REFURL% Encoded URL of web page where the ad impression occured
%REGIONCODE% Replace with a region code (a state code in case of US)
%SID% Impression ID is passed through the landing page
%TIMESTAMP% Replace with the Unix timestamp
%TRACKURL% Replace with a link for tracking impressions
%UID% Unique ID of the visitor
%VAR_androidid% Android ID (if passed in by publisher)
%VAR_idfa% IDFA iOS6+ identifierForAdvertising (if passed in by publisher)
%VAR_macaddress% MAC Address (if passed in by publisher)
%VAR_openudid% OpenUDID (if passed in by publisher)
%VAR_secureudid% SecureUDID (if passed in by publisher)
%WIDTH% Replace with max image width based on UA passed in the ad call
%ZIP% Replace with zip code as entered in the ad call