Ad Network Tracking Tokens

Find ad network tracking tokens here.


Token Description
{adspot_id} Ad spot ID
{adspot_name} Ad spot name
{browser_id} Browser ID
{browser} Browser type of visitor
{campaign_id} Campaign ID
{campaign} Campaign name
{carrier_id} Carrier ID
{carrier} Сarrier of the visitor
{category_id} Category ID
{category} Categories detected
{cost} CPM price, CPC price...
{creative_id} Creative ID
{device_type_id} Device type ID
{device_type} Device type
{ecpc} ECPC
{format_id} Creative format ID
{format} Creative format (width x height) for banners (315x300, 300x250, etc) and name for other, example: popunder, mobile popunder
{geo} 2-char country code
{ip} Visitor IP address
{keywords} Keywords collected
{lang} 2-char language code
{os_id} Operating system ID
{os} Operating system of the visitor
{pricing_model} CPM, CPC, etc
{referrer} Referrer
{site_host} Site URL
{site_id} Site ID