Ad Network Tracking Tokens

Find ad network tracking tokens here.
Token Description
%advertiserid% The ID belonging to the advertiser
%asn% The ISP's ASN number (useful for targeting by ISP)
%browser% The browser of the visitor
%campaign_rate_cpm% The effective CPM for the campaign
%campaign_rate_cpv% The effective CPV for the particular impression
%campaignid% The ID belonging to the campaign
%countrycode% The country code of the visitor
%creativeid% The ID belonging to the advertisement
%devicetype% The device type of the visitor
%ipaddress% The IP address of the visitor
%opsys% The operating system of the visitor
%publisherid% Publisher ID
%random% A random number (useful for broken sites which require cache busting)
%subid% Sub ID (including any partner Sub IDs)
%timestamp% A UNIX timestamp (number of seconds since January 1, 1970)
%useragent% The raw user-agent string of the visitor